Auth Server Setup
This guide will walk you through setting up Melody Auth in both Cloudflare (remote/production or local/development) and Node.js environments.
Cloudflare Remote/Production Environment
1. Cloudflare Account Setup
- Sign up for a Cloudflare account if you don't have one already.
- Install Wrangler CLI and Authenticate:
npx wrangler wrangler login
2. Cloudflare Resource Creation
In your Cloudflare dashboard:
- Create a Worker:
- Go to "Compute(Workers)" -> "Workers & Pages" -> Click "Create" button
- Name the worker "melody-auth"
- After creation, open the worker -> "Settings" -> "Variables and Secrets"
- Add a variable named "AUTH_SERVER_URL" with the value set to your worker's URL (e.g., https://melody-auth.[your-account-name]
- Create a D1 Database:
- Go to "Storage & Databases" -> "D1 SQL Database"
- Click "Create" button
- Create a KV Storage:
- Go to "Storage & Databases" -> "KV"
- Click "Create" button
3. Cloudflare Worker Secrets Setup
In your Cloudflare dashboard:
- Go to "Compute(Workers)" -> "Workers & Pages"
- Select your "melody-auth" worker
- Click on "Settings" -> "Variables and Secrets"
- Include the required environment variables for any email, SMS, or social sign-in providers you plan to use.
4. Project Setup
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd melody-auth npm install npm run build
: Replace the KV and D1 IDs with the resources you created:[[kv_namespaces]] binding = "KV" id = "your_kv_namespace_id" [[d1_databases]] binding = "DB" database_name = "melody-auth" database_id = "your_d1_database_id"
5. Initial Deployment
Run the following commands
cd server
npm run prod:secret:generate
npm run prod:migration:apply
npm run prod:deploy
Now you are all set, you can verify your deployment by accessing: [your_worker_url]/.well-known/openid-configuration
6.Future Deployments
To pull the latest code and redeploy:
git pull origin main
cd server
npm run prod:migration:apply # If there are new migrations
npm run prod:deploy
Cloudflare Local/Development Environment
To set up your local development environment, follow these steps:
git clone
cd melody-auth
npm install
npm run build
cd server
cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars
# Include the required environment variables for any email, SMS, or social sign-in providers you plan to use.
npm run dev:secret:generate
npm run dev:migration:apply
npm run dev:start
Node Environment Setup
1. Node, Postgres and Redis setup
Begin by setting up your PostgreSQL and Redis servers, and ensure you have the connection strings ready for integration. Please also ensure you are using Node.js version 20.05 or higher for compatibility.
2. Project setup
git clone
cd melody-auth
npm install
npm run build
cd server
cp .dev.vars.example .dev.vars
# Fill in PostgreSQL & Redis connection strings
# Include the required environment variables for any email, SMS, or social sign-in providers you plan to use.
npm run node:secret:generate
npm run node:migration:apply
npm run node:dev
This starts the server in development mode using Node.js, connected to your local or remote databases.
3. Production Build
To build and run in production:
cd server
npm run node:build
npm run node:start
4.Future Deployments
To pull the latest code and redeploy:
git pull origin main
cd server
npm run node:migration:apply # If there are new migrations
npm run node:build
npm run node:start